Wednesday 3/9th- Children's Garden. We will be meeting at the Children's Garden around 10:30. I would like to meet up around 9:30 at a Parking lot along Spring Creek trail and walk to the Garden's. So you can meet up at the Garden's around 10:30 or meet up for the walk over. I will give Parking lot details soon. It is Stroller Friendly. Bring lunch to enjoy at the Chidren's Garden.
3/19th Full Moon Hike @ Devil's Backbone 6 pm. We may have a guided tour or may not. It is wonderful it falls on a Saturday so please come and bring the family and we can just go out and hike under the Full Worm Moon. Come and hike as long as you like.
LARIMER COUNTY GUIDED HIKES AND PROGRAMS (if interested with your family not organized with the Nature Tribe) • 3/19 @ 9am “Changing Seasons - Late Winter into Spring” at Devil’s Backbone Open Space. Take a look at the plants that poke up first as spring rolls into the foothills. No signup required. Hike rated easy about 2.5 miles
Spring Spring Equinox Celebration.. Details soon!!!
Thursday 3/24th- Nature Walk, Woodland Fairy house building day. I have been waiting for this day for such a long time. We will be building the sweetest fairy houses. We will be walking and collecting all sorts of natural building materials. I am so excited to do this and hopefully we can have a great turn out. I will be reading a story about these lovely woodland folk. I have done a submission for the online Magazine Rhythm of the home so when it is out you can view these sweet homes. we will be meeting up around 9:30. Place TBA. bring lunch
LARIMER COUNTY GUIDED HIKES AND PROGRAMS (if interested with your family not organized with the Nature Tribe) • “Early Spring Visitors and Nesters” at Devil’s Backbone Open Space. The early birds get the pick of the nests!learn about these interesting dynamics and more. No signup required.Hike rating: easy ~ 1.5 hrs. Saturday, March 26, 9:00 a.m.
April 13th- Our One Year Nature Tribe Pot-Luck Party at Spring Park. Come out and share in the fun. Bring something yummy to share. There will be a fun game for sure!!
Rest of Spring Schedule out soon. WE will be hosting a Let's G.O. celebration in April details TBA.

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