"just living is not enough" said the butterfly, "one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Nature Passport Adventure Events
Nature Passport Adventure Events and Programs
Fort Collins Natural Areas April 1st- Spring Break Break. Bobcat Ridge Natural Area, 9:30am-12:00pm. Get your family outdoors during spring break! Come out to Bobcat Ridge Natural Area and take part in a variety of nature stations, pioneer activities, and take a hike to the pioneer cabin along the way. It's free, and no registration is required! Arrive anytime between 9:30 a.m. and noon to start the activities. Bring water and snacks, and wear good walking shoes. For more information, contact Deborah Price at dprice@fcgov.com or 970-217-3075.
April 23rd- Star Gazing at Fossil Creek Regional Open Space, 8pm. Explore Spring constellations and view Saturn with the Northern Colorado Astronomical Society. Dress warmly! Free, no registration necessary.. For cancellation notices, please go the NCAS website: www.ncastro.org .
April 23rd- Earth Day Volunteer Project, Running Deer Natural Area, 9am – 12noon. Help staff plant trees and shrubs at Running Deer Natural Area to improve wildlife habitat. Snacks will be provided. RSVP: Registration is required. Please call Susan Schafer at 970-416-2480 or email, sschafer@fcgov.com to register. Plan to bring close-toed shoes, a hat, sunscreen, water and work gloves. Parking is limited so please plan to carpool or bike. For more events, information and directions for Fort Collins Natural Areas click here.
Larimer County Department of Natural Resources
April 2nd- Hey Kids! Signs of Spring! Devil’s Backbone Open Space, 9am. Bring your 5-11 year-old to discover signs of the new season. 1.5hrs. Hike rating: Easy. Free. No registration required. Direct questions to Heather at (970) 679-4489. \
April 16th River Bluffs celebration more details soon
April 16th- Moonrise Hike. River Bluffs Open Space, 7:30pm. Enjoy a wonderful night out with the family under an almost full moon.
April 23rd - Red Mountain's Rattlesnakes. Red Mountain Open Space, 9am. Learn how we can co-exist with these creatures. Approx. 2hrs. Hike rating: Easy. Program is free. No registration required. Direct questions to Heather at (970) 679-4489.
April 30th- Wildflower Treasure Hunt, Horsetooth Mountain Open Space, 10am. A fun filled Morning exploring the beautiful spring flowers. Approx. 2hrs. Hike rating: Easy. Program is free. $6/vehicle entrance permit required. Direct questions to Heather at (970) 679-4489. Great for all Ages. For more information and directions from Larimer County Department of Natural Resources click here.
April 16th- Carpe Diem. 10am-2pm. A volunteer extravaganza! Trail building, sign painting, invasive weed removal and more. All ages welcome. Food and drink provided! April 17- Full Moon Program 7-8pm. Come with the whole family to learn about some amazing nocturnal animals as well as the beautiful moon!
April 15 & 18 - Great School Escapes, Rec & Trek Parts I and II. These two days will be all about outdoor recreation and outdoor skills. Join us for one or both days. We'll learn how to pack for a day hike, what to do if we get into trouble on the trail, and skills like knot tying and fire building that will help us along the way. April 30th - Family Day. 10am-12pm. There is no better way to experience nature than as a whole family. Bring every one out for a day of learning in the outdoors. E. Drake site. Includes Free for all. RSVP by phone or email.
April 15-23rd - Earthfest 2011. Earthfest is 10-days of environmental education and service activities around the time of the annual Earth Day on April 22. See website for more information. For more great events, information and directions with ELC click here.
Gardens on Spring Creek April Read and Seed. Mondays and Tuesdays, 10-10:45am. Story time plus educational and fun hands-on activity. 2-4 year olds. $3 per child. Or go enjoy the gardens on your own lots of beautiful and creative gardens to see! For more events, information and directions with The Gardens on Spring Creek click here.
Rocky Mountain National Park- April 16-24th Free National Park Entrance. Enjoy the free days or go on your own. Look into their Junior Ranger Program. Enjoy!
Rocky Mountain Sustainable Living Association April 23rd Earth day Fort Collins, Civic Center Park 11am-5pm Located at 201 Laporte Avenue at the corner of Mason Street Free Admission Bring nonperishable food items for The Food BankEarth Day is a combination of activities and events for the entire family, featuring informational booths and displays, arts & crafts, live music, speakers, local food and a beer garden. Earth Day encourages and inspires community members to honor the Earth EVERY DAY and make efforts toward conservation and preservation of our wondrous planet for current and future generations. the tribe will be out this day come hang out with us!!
Children and Nature Connection/NoCo Nature Tribe April 30th – Let’s G.O. Celebration! Fossil Creek Park, Lake Pavilion, 1pm-4pm. Drop in for a prize drawing every ½ hour, snacks and drinks, informal nature stations in the Two Creeks Natural Area with master naturalists, and information about great outdoor summer activities! find out more here!
For a list of places to go with links to web pages for more information, go to our Places to Go page
The printable version does not have all the events but gives a few and ideas to get out with your family enjoy!!
Like the facebook page and share your stories with other families and read what other families have been up to!!! get dirty, play in puddles, explore and HAVE FUN!!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Devils Backbone Full Moon/Spring Equinox hike
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Spring Schedule
April 6th-10am Nature Walk Pineridge Dixon Reservior
We will start meet up around 9:45am. Stroller friendly, there is some water to play. Bring bagged lunch we will stop along the way.
April 13th- ONE YEAR POT LUCK PARTY- Spring Park 10am. This is the very first park we meet up we had. We will have fun silly park games. Bring something yummy to share and have some fun.
April 16th- Moonrise Hike 7:30pm at River Bluffs Open Space. This will be the night prior to the full moon but will be guided. We can start to meet up around 7pm.
April 23rd- Earth Day Celebration 11am. Civic Center Park. Join other NoCo Nature Tribe families in celebrating Earth Day in Fort Collins on Saturday April 23rd at Civic Center Park. Bring your picnic blankets, picnic lunch, friends, family, and any fun lawn games. There will be live music, vendor booths, and information tables. The Tribe will begin meeting at 11:00a.m. Join us when you can and leave when you need to. I'm excited to celebrate Earth Day with other Tribe families.
April 28th-Viestenz Smith Mountain Park 10am. We will have a nature scavengar hunt. We had done one here last year thought it might be fun again. If you have a nature bag or something that will work bring it. Bring Lunch
April 30th 1pm-4pm. Lets G.O. Celebration at Fossil Creek Park. access west off of Fossil Creek Parkway off of College. Nature stations with Master Naturalists, prizes, snacks and more. Bring your families and passports. (though passports not requeried just a fun outdoor day)
May 11th- Devils Backbone Open Space 10am nature hike. I really enjoyed this area and thought it might be nice to go out before it gets to hot. We will start meet up around 9:45am. bring lunch.
May 26th- Nature Hike 10am. Hewlitt Gulch. Yay it is going to be so great to get back up the Poudre for this awesome hike.. There are river crossings so please wear shoes that can get wet. Great hike for the kiddos. Bring Lunch and we will stop along the way.
*keep an eye out for added hikes and updates
June 8th- TBA
June 21st- Summer Solstice Celebration. Details to come
June 23rd- Nature Hike Youngs Gulch.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Full Moon Spring Equinox

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Riverbend Ponds.